Last updated on December 4th, 2018
Healthcare (lack of) in Cambodia
Prior to the Khmer Rouge’s Great Leap Forward (and back into the Stone Age), Cambodia had one of the best healthcare systems in Southeast Asia, with Khmer medical doctors, pharmacists and faculty members trained in France.
These days, Cambodians who can afford it will seek medical treatment for any serious condition in Thailand and Vietnam. Phnom Penh has better medical care than Siem Reap, but for any life threatening emergency, evacuation to Bangkok might be necessary. It is clear that travellers should contract international medical insurance before visiting Cambodia.
Medical facilities in Siem Reap range from abysmal, staffed with doctors of dubious credentials, to acceptable for common tourists ailments such as food poisoning and sun strokes. The notable exceptions are the two internationally funded not for profit paediatric hospitals staffed and managed by a mix of internationally trained expatriates and Cambodian staff, and equipped with state of the art facilities.
Hospitals in Siem Reap
Angkor Hospital for Children
Achamean Road & Oum Chhay Street
Siem Reap
Tel: 063 963409
The Angkor Hospital for Children is a remarkable not for profit hospital in Siem Reap. Founded by Japanese photographer Kenro Izu, ACH provides high quality healthcare to Cambodian children (the hospital even has a heart surgery programme). ACH will even occasionally treat clueless adult tourists and is conveniently located in central Siem Reap on Achamean Road, midway between Sivatha Boulevard and the Siem Reap River.
Jayavarman VII Children’s Hospital
Vithei Charles de Gaulle
Siem Reap
Te:l 063 964 803
The Jayavarman VII Hospital is on the road to Angkor tucked between Sofitel and Meridien, 1.5 km north of the Royal Residence. The Jayavarman VII Hospital mainly treats local children and has throngs of patients waiting. The hospital bears the name of one of Cambodia’s most illustrious kings. Jayavarman VII was equally famed for his military prowess, and infrastructure and social programmes. The hospital was established by Dr Beat “Beatocello” Richner, a larger than life Swiss paediatrician. Drop by on Thursday and Saturday nights for a free cello concert by Beatocello himself (blood and money donations optional).
The Royal Angkor International Hospital
National Route #6 (Airport Road),
Siem Reap (Angkor), Cambodia
Tel. 063 761 888, 012 235 888, 063 399 111
The Royal Angkor International Hospital is a local branch of Bangkok Hospital. Royal Angkor, which almost exclusively caters to foreign visitors and expatriates, is located on the road to Siem Reap Airport, about a twenty-minute car ride from the city centre. The Royal Angkor International Hospital charges fees on a par with private clinics in Europe: your medical bill could easily amount to several thousand dollars for hospitalisation. You’ll get your private room and staff dressed in immaculate working whites.
Don’t forget to check our post on pharmacies in Siem Reap if you just need some aspirin, tummy medicine, mosquito repellent or sunscreen!
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